AW139 picture showing search a tour function for Ocean 3D

Ocean 3Ds' low-cost accessible and neuro-diverse friendly tours are now even more user friendly with the introduction of an in-tour search function. End users from all communities can now navigate new, unfamiliar or potentially intimidating locations such as a large airport or aircraft. Common searches that can often cause embarrassment for the end user and/ or, tie up aviation staffs time such as: "where are the toilets?", "baby changing facilities?", "Where can I buy a vegan meal?", "Halal/ Kosher restaurant?"etc. are now in the control of your clients on their smart phone or tablet.

As well as being more accessibility friendly, this new function also offers a range of further commercial opportunities with sponsored in-tour searchable links or special offers such as Business Lounges.

Following the legal opinion on the requirement to make spaces accessible for people with hidden conditions under The Equality Act from respected international barristers, Doughty Street Chambers, Ocean 3D have continued to explore and seek to improve the overall UI and UX for all end users. For the past two years, Ocean 3D have been working with a number of Universities, NGOs and major Charities as well as commercial companies whilst continuing to build their client base. Most recently, The National Trust commissioned Ocean 3D to create interactive tours of three of their UNESCO World Heritage locations to make them more accessible, EQ Act compliance and improve the user experience.

Another recently added enhancement is the option to add an Augmented Reality (AR) overlay that combines the 360° tour of a given location, with a friendly 'on-screen' AR guide-bot using the customers smart-phone.

Chris Wood, Ocean 3Ds' Director jokes that one of his biggest problems is that ..."decision makers see the technology and the amazing things it can do  and assume it's going to be out of their budget. The truth is, that a typical tour costs less to create and host than their management teams daily high-street  morning-coffee spend !"

Ocean 3D 

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