The Guardian - Ben Quinn

Campaigners speak out amid suggestion government could reject Climate Change Committee’s advice

The prospect of a renewed political battle around airport growth in various parts of England has been reignited amid concern from campaigners at suggestions the government could reject the Climate Change Committee’s (CCC) advice that all such expansions must be halted.

While such a move would lead to clashes in the courts, groups such as Communities Against Gatwick Noise and Emissions (CAGNE) warned the Tories would lose more support in “blue wall” constituencies than they stood to gain from any pivot away from green policies.

The government is preparing to reject the CCC finding that there should be no further airport expansions in Britain until a “capacity management framework” for aviation was developed, the Sunday Telegraph claimed. The prime minister is facing pressure from emboldened backbenchers eager to press home the case for airport growth to boost the UK economy.

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