Simple Flying - Justin Foster

The Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which is in charge of the construction and renovations at the new airport, spoke about the new plans. Rick Cotton outlined the newly announced $19 billion renovations saying, "This is a massive undertaking."

The Port Authority is also opening an airport operations center in line with the new renovations. This will house traffic engineers to monitor conditions around the clock. 

This comes after five years of construction at the nearby LaGuardia Airport. 

The specific plans were announced on April 24. Port Authority officials announced that the plans would be outlined into four specific major upgrades, each focusing on a different terminal.

  • Terminal 1 - Rebuild / Renovations and Terminal 2 - Demolision 
  • Terminal 4 - Renovation (Completed early this year)
  • Terminal 6 - Construction
  • Terminal 8 - Construction (Completed last year)

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