BBC News

Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd (Hial) says its passenger numbers have almost returned to pre-Covid pandemic levels.

The Scottish government-owned company operates 11 regional airports.

In 12 months to March this year almost 1.5 million people used its airports. The pre-coronavirus figure in 2019/20 was 1.6 million.

Passenger numbers at Inverness Airport rose by more than 63% to 750,235 people.

Dundee and Islay both saw increases of about 60%, with 41,127 people passing through the Tayside site and 27,738 using the Inner Hebrides airport.

Stornoway, Kirkwall, Sumburgh, Campbeltown, Tiree, Benbecula, Barra and Wick John O'Groats experienced rises of between nine and 40%.

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