BBC News

Members of the public have until late on Sunday [26 Nov 2023] to make their views known to the Planning Inspectorate on Gatwick Airport's growth plans.

Gatwick's application to bring its northern runway into routine use was accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate on 3 August.

By submitting a "relevant representation" to become an "interested party", people will be able to summarise their views, will be kept informed of progress and have the opportunity to provide further representations during the examination phase, the inspectorate said.

The registration period had been due to end on 29 October but due to a technical issue with submissions on the National Infrastructure Planning website, this was extended to 23:59 GMT on Sunday.

Anyone who submitted a representation via email due to the fault has been asked to resubmit it via the online form in order for it to be valid.

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