Simple Flying - Channing Reid

With the improvement, only three airlines have increased their levels since before the pandemic.

Last week, the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) released its European Aviation Overview, which provides a detailed snapshot of the latest network trends. For the week of August 9th-15th, the agency said the network recorded 32,420 average daily flights, a 7% increase from 2022. The results indicate that the network remains stable by a difference of only -0.4% from the previous week.

The number of flights in the network during the week was 94% of 2019 levels, just below the agency’s base scenarios of forecasted flights released late last year, which was 95%. Although the current situation remains stable from last week, aircraft operators did not add more flights to add capacity. Closely comparing numbers to the previous week, the top 10 operators experienced a slight decrease of -0.2%, according to EUROCONTROL.

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