Highlands and Islands Airports

Highlands and Islands Airports Limited (HIAL) has commissioned further site inspections and studies at Tràigh Bhàigh (Crossapol Beach) adjacent to Tiree Airport.

Coastal erosion at the site has exposed metal and concrete demolition waste.  In December 2020, a desktop review and site inspection undertaken on behalf of HIAL established that the material was most likely from a former WW2 RAF base. 

Further studies and non-intrusive site surveys have been commissioned by HIAL of Tràigh Bhàigh to confirm the extent of the buried materials and collect topographical information to determine if coastal protection measures may be required.

This work will be undertaken over a three-month period, beginning Tuesday 23 November.  Access to the beach will not be restricted due to the work and contractors will not interrupt the local use of the areas during the surveys.

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