YiCai Global - Li Xiuzhong

China's aviation regulator has decided that Chongqing's second airport will be located in Bishan district, about 50 kilometers away from the city center.

The airport will have a handling capacity of around 70 million to 80 million passengers per year, making it an important international aviation base for the southwestern city and a cargo hub, the district government announced yesterday.

Industry insiders predicted in interviews with Yicai Global that the project will start construction in 2026 at the earliest since it takes time to finish feasibility studies, per Li Yanwei, deputy director of the China Civil Aviation High-Quality Development Research Center.

The city's first airport, Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, is not big enough for the future economic and social development of the region, so it is necessary to build another airport, Li added.

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