The Journal

The Government will be asked to approve plans to appoint Dublin Airport operator DAA as the operator of counter-drone technology at the airport. 

Transport Minister Eamon Ryan came in for scathing criticism from Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary last week, when the airline boss said that anti-drone technology is a “reasonably easy” solution that would only cost around €100,000.

O’Leary had also spoken about the apparent indeicsion about whether gardaí, Airport Police or the DAA would operate the anti-drone technology. 

Ryan and Junior Minister Jack Chambers will today ask Cabinet to task DAA with purchasing and operating counter drone technology. 

Ministers will also be asked to consider plans to conduct a wider examination of the need of counter drone technology to protect key state infrastructure such as other airports, energy generation and transmission facilities, defence forces facilities, Government buildings and water infrastructure.

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