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 BAG Sustainability Update



Welcome to the Q3 Edition of the BAG Sustainability Update

We are very excited to be sharing our third edition of our quarterly update from the BAG Sustainability Working Group.  In it we share with you our new BAG Response to the Jet Zero Consultation as well as our new BAG Sustainability Policy. The BAG Sustainability Working Group and BAG Board has been developing both over the last months and I’m hoping it will be of much interest to our members and stakeholders alike. I must offer my thanks to all involved. It has been a fantastic effort. We also wanted to share with you the exciting news that BAG has been approved to become an official member of Sustainable Aviation and how we will be participating in this group moving forwards. The newsletter also highlights other activities BAG has organised and participated in recently within the sustainability arena. 
We hope you continue to find this communication useful and I am looking forward to any feedback and inputs you have for our work moving forwards.

Toby Gibbs
Lead, Sustainability Working Group



BAG Response to Government’s Jet Zero Consultation

The British Aviation Group submitted our response to the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Jet Zero Consultation on 8 September 2021. 
BAG recognises that the aviation sector delivers significant social and economic benefit at both a national and global level, but that delivering these benefits needs to be achieved in a way that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.  To ensure this all sectors of the aviation industry must improve their sustainability performance to combat climate change, address the biodiversity crisis and restore the environmental conditions which the planet and humanity requires.
Recognising that decarbonisation is one of, if not the, most significant sustainability challenges that the sector has to address, we consider it imperative that this is not considered in isolation. Whilst many of the measures that reduce carbon have wider benefits, for example in noise and air quality, some involve trade-offs with other social and environmental factors. As such we urge government to consider future policy on Jet Zero in the context of a wider holistic framework for sustainable aviation. 
Our response to Jet Zero has focused primarily on those areas where the BAG membership is best informed; and where we consider our voice makes a positive contribution to the debate. It draws on thinking from extensive engagement on the topic of sustainable aviation both with our membership and with an international customer base over several years, and incorporates specific feedback received from members and elected board members in respect of this consultation.
Thank you to all BAG members who have contributed in developing our response




BAG Sustainability Policy

The BAG Sustainability Working Group together with the BAG Board has developed a new Sustainability Policy which outlines our commitment to sustainability through client, member and external engagement. We recognise that all sectors of the aviation industry must improve their sustainability performance to combat climate change, address the biodiversity crisis and restore the environmental conditions which the planet and humanity requires. Furthermore, BAG recognises that sustainability cuts across all its work and has a dedicated Sustainability Working Group to support its members as they work towards the development of a more sustainable aviation industry.



Sustainable Aviation Membership

The British Aviation Group has been approved to become an official member of
Sustainable Aviation in September 2021.
As representatives of the UK aviation supply chain, we recognise the importance of a sustainable
aviation sector to our members, our clients, our communities and our planet. We are fully aligned
with the goals of Sustainable Aviation and are keen to play a part in achieving them.
We are committed to promoting the case for sustainable aviation, including supporting our
membership in understanding and applying best practice in their organisations. Working more
closely with SA will help the flow of ideas and alignment of messaging across the sector.
The UK position in sustainable aviation is a differentiator for export of goods and services in
aviation maintaining a strong domestic supply chain and supporting the global drive to a more
sustainable sector. We would like to leverage thinking from SA in our work with DIT and overseas
client groups to help promote UK exports.
We see mutual benefit in collaboration around events in sharing messaging within and outside
the industry and developing a more inclusive community, including next generation groups.



Sustainability Industry - Useful links



BAG Online Sustainability Directory - Reminder

BAG has launched in October 2020 our BAG Online Sustainability Directory on the BAG
website. The Sustainability Working Group has produced a structure for the membership to set out its experience and capability in Sustainability. This tool allows potential clients to search the BAG website to identify members that offer specific sustainability services and products – and inform teams at DIT in the UK and overseas as they seek to promote capabilities in sustainable aviation.
You can update your Sustainability Capabilities in the same area and in the same way as you update your standard capabilities. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to please take the time to review and update your company profile and capabilities and if applicable add any Sustainability Capabilities your company would highlight.


To update, Login to your members area. On the left-hand side of the dashboard, click on ‘My Profile’ followed by ‘Edit’ and follow the steps.



Looking Ahead

BAG believes that the recovery of the aviation sector is predicated on it continuing to evolve and become more environmentally sustainable.  The UK, through many BAG members, have a myriad of skills and experience that can support this sustainable recovery. The Sustainability Working Group therefore wants to help increase exposure of the members unique attributes ensuring that existing and potential clients from across the world know how we can help them. This will remain the Working Group’s highest priority for the next 12 months.
We are really looking forward to your feedback and further thoughts, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the
BAG Secretariat.





TheBritish Aviation Group is the leading representative body for British companies involved in aviation and airport development and operations.
We provide world class expertise to meet the challenges of global airports.
We are the first port of call for global clients to connect to the full spectrum of British aviation expertise delivering solutions for airports large and small.
We have had amazing success working in over 150 countries and at the 60 largest airports delivering value, efficiency, sustainability and resilience.


Creating the airports of the future through the power of our network.





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