BAG has produced a submission to the Scottish Government Aviation Strategy Consultation. 

In BAG’s Strategic Framework one of BAG’s desired outcomes is “BAG facilitates opportunities for our members to network and build collaborative relationships with the widest representation of the UK supply chain”. This is underpinned by promoting a Regional Structure, i.e. truly working with the whole of the UK. BAG therefore operates a BAG Scottish Region that represents interests of BAG and its Members, and provides a community for Members based within this particular geographic area.

Aviation & Infrastructure play a key part in the Scottish economy, helping to connect people across the UK, Scottish islands, Europe and the rest of the world. As we now engage in the era of transition required to achieve net zero, BAG envisage an aviation strategy that supports an integrated transport  environment in terms of physical infrastructure, energy supply and passenger experience with clients and supply chain collaborating to drive solutions in the timeframe required.


Please view the full submission document here:  BAG Response Scottish Government Aviation Strategy Consultation FINAL.pdf (129 KB)

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