BBC News

BBC News has spoken to a number of airline workers anonymously over the last few weeks.

We got the inside story from front-line staff, including pilots, baggage handlers and cabin crew.

A British Airways cabin crew member based at Heathrow Airport told the BBC that most long-haul flights are operating short of crew, which has a knock-on effect on staff tiredness.

Though flights are still crewed above the legal minimums, he said the company was "recruiting like mad to fill the gaps". This can be a lengthy process, with delays to processing airside passes slowing things down.

A ground baggage handler, who has worked at Heathrow for 12 years, described the situation as "a shambles".

"There are not enough baggage belts for the amount of flights. You could be waiting half an hour for a belt when a flight comes in. Within that half an hour, another flight will come in, which makes it 10 times worse. It's disheartening when you walk out and see all the passengers."

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