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A recent study by Airports Council International (ACI) World shows that Asia-Pacific airports will have to develop new greenfield airports and invest to modernize and expand existing airport infrastructure in the next 20 years to meet future air passenger growth. The Global Outlook of Airport Capital Expenditure forecasts a capital need of USS 1.3 trillion for Asia-Pacific airports, accounting for 54 percent of the global requirement. The projections incorporate the need to align capacity expansion projects with sustainability and decarbonization goals. To respond to the region’s rapid passenger growth, about 44 percent of the 2021–2040 AsiaPacific regional airport capital expenditure is forecasted to be allocated to the construction of brand-new airports – so-called greenfield airports- to the sum of USD 579 billion. “Failure to address the capacity needs to meet the 2040 passenger demand will have profound socioeconomic consequences, in terms of job and GDP losses but also congestion and damage to the environment,” said Stefano Baronci, director general, ACI Asia-Pacific. Although the short-to-medium term recovery trajectory is highly uncertain, over the next 20 years, the World Annual Traffic Forecasts expects global traffic to return to previously projected levels, placing the Asia-Pacific region among the fastest-growing regions in the world. Total passenger traffic is forecasted to grow fast at a compound growth rate of 4.7 percent. While some airports have deferred or suspended capital investments over the course of the pandemic, many in major and fast-developing aviation markets such as Australia, China, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam have continued their capital expenditure plans given the long-term horizon that goes well beyond the potential duration of the crisis. Airports have long taken a leadership role in addressing, minimizing, and mitigating the environmental impacts of aviation. The report shows it takes an average of six years to achieve carbon neutral accreditation under the Airport Carbon Accreditation program. To realize the ambitious pathways to net zero carbon emissions by 2050, the stated long-term carbon goal of ACI member airports, additional capital investment decisions by airports, such as investment in energy-efficient infrastructure and retrofitting, low emissions/electric vehicles and equipment and construction of onsite or offsite renewable energy facilities, might be required. “For many airports in Asia, planning for the future means being ready to welcome the passengers of the future while also investing today for a more sustainable infrastructure with a diminished carbon footprint. Historical data shows that airports that achieved carbon neutrality status, invested an average of 12% more capital. By making additional investments now to reduce energy consumption and convert to zero carbon emissions sources, airports will position themselves as sustainable stewards for the future,” said Baronci. #1151.13

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