Simple Flying - Channing Reid

Multiple workers at Tenerife Sur Airport (TFS) have been arrested after being suspected of stealing personal items from checked baggage. The stolen belongings are reportedly worth more than $2 million.

An investigation into the matter came about after an increase in passenger complaints about items missing from their luggage. The incident is not the first to occur this year, as drug smuggling has also been involved.

According to Sky News, police allegedly retrieved the stolen items from the employees at TFS, one of Spain’s main tourist airports. As a result, 14 workers were arrested. Included in the items were 29 watches, 120 pieces of jewelry, 22 mobile phones and electronic devices, and $14,156 (£11,156) in cash. Police reportedly said the workers took the belongings as the bags were being placed in the baggage compartments of aircraft.

Full Report


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