British-Irish Airports EXPO is thrilled to announce that it will stage and host the Advanced Air Mobility Airports Conference for the 40 UK and Dependency regional airports of the Regional And Business Airports Group (RABA). With a growing portion of its 200+ members active in the electrification of aviation, the AAM Airports Conference will also be delivered in association with the British Aviation Group.

This conference is rigorously directed at an airports audience and has adopted the intensively airports-specific theme of: “The Resurgence of Regional Airports: Preparing for the Huge Market Potential of Advanced Air Mobility”.

Completely airport-themed

  • Electric aviation and the new economic model for airports – the “huge” €4 billion market forecasts and 100s of potential new routes.
  • What airports must do to prepare – the reveal of the draft “Advanced Air Mobility Infrastructure Reference Manual” – a worldwide standard for airports preparing for electric aviation.
  • What the new electric aircraft will actually do – multiple manufacturers’ presentations.
  • Who are the “new airport operators”, and what are their infrastructure needs?
  • Why airports will need to get into MegaWatt+ power generation, how this will be paid for, and how to turn this into a new airport core business.
  • Open forum of RABA’s 40 member airports.

We’re open minded – but our schedule isn’t open-ended

We, and our partners, want this to be the best-ever forum for Advanced Air Mobility and Airports. We are open to excellent presentation ideas, but you’ll have to move fast as the draft programme is already jammed packed with superb offers.

For more information about the Advanced Air Mobility Airports Conference

Exhibit at the 5th British-Irish Airports EXPO

Pre-register for the 5th British-Irish Airports EXPO

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