The Washington Post - Lori Aratani

The number of people affected by loud aircraft has declined significantly over the past several decades

Federal Aviation Administration officials told lawmakers Thursday that they have improved efforts to work with communities grappling with airplane noise, creating programs that encourage early feedback on changes to flight patterns and an online portal that allows the public to file noise complaints with the agency.

The number of people affected by loud aircraft has declined significantly in recent decades, even as the nation’s population has increased. Still, some lawmakers said more work is needed to ensure communities are being heard, that complaints are being addressed and that the FAA is exploring noise-reduction strategies. The hearing Thursday was before the aviation subcommittee of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

“We’ve got to be much more serious about using, rather than just waiting, for new technology,” said Rep. Stephen F. Lynch (D-Mass.), whose district is home to Boston’s Logan International Airport. “We have answers that are available now.”

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