New Updates and Guidance
New measures to protect UK High Street from aggressive rent collection and closure
New temporary new measures are being introduced to safeguard the UK High Street against aggressive debt recovery actions during the coronavirus pandemic. Statutory demands and winding up petitions issued to commercial tenants will be temporarily voided and changes will be made to the use of Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery, building on measures already introduced in the Coronavirus Act. Find more information here.
Furloughed workers to receive full parental leave entitlement
Furloughed workers planning to take paid parental or adoption leave will be entitled to pay based on their usual earnings rather than a furloughed pay rate. Find out more here.
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme - How to make a claim: webinar
View a recording of the HMRC webinar here.
Vital routes for supplies and people kept open through coronavirus support package
Action will protect the transport links the country relies on. Find out more here.
Capacity Market: proposal to relax the rules temporarily in response to COVID-19
We would like views on proposals to introduce temporary rules to modify the application of the Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014 and CM Rules during the pandemic. Find out more information here.
Councils given flexibility with free childcare funding
Councils can move free entitlements funding between settings in exceptional cases to meet demand during Coronavirus outbreak. Find out more here.
HM Treasury announces revision to the UK Debt Management Office’s financing remit 2020-21
The government has announced an unprecedented package of measures to provide the critical support needed by individuals, families and businesses, through the economic disruption caused by COVID-19. Find out more here.
PPE export control: guidance for UK businesses
Guidance for UK businesses trading internationally includes a new section on the PPE export control process.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): business support grant funding – guidance for local authorities
Guidance for local authorities setting out details of the Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF). Updated with clarification of whether grants are subject to tax.
Providing apprenticeships during the coronavirus outbreak
Guidance for apprentices, employers, training providers and assessment organisations about changes to apprenticeships due to coronavirus (COVID-19). Updated information on furloughed apprentices, end-point assessment, functional skills apprentices and qualification certification.
What parents and carers need to know about schools and education during the coronavirus outbreak
Guidance for critical workers has been updated.