New Updates and Guidance
New case studies and advice have been added to the business support web pages
You can find an update from HMRC’s CEO on what furloughed workers need to know, and how Hawksmoor Restaurant plans to take advantage of the Job Retention Scheme. You can find further case studies here.
Companies House support for businesses hit by COVID-19
Changes announced today will help businesses avoid being struck off the Companies House register as they deal with the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. Find out more here.
Guidance on coronavirus testing for critical workers
Guidance is available on coronavirus testing for critical workers who are self-isolating. As part of the key worker testing programme NHS and social care critical workers who are self-isolating because of coronavirus symptoms are currently being tested. This list will be updated as testing becomes more widely available. If you are not covered in this list, you should continue to follow the government guidance for self-isolating.
Social care guidance
Information for the social care sector on responding to the coronavirus pandemic.
Councils given greater financial relief against cash flow pressures
Councils will be allowed to defer £2.6 billion in business rates payments to central government, and £850 million in social care grants will be paid up front this month. Find out more here.
NATS eligible for funding of up to £92 million to maintain services
£1.1 billion support package for air navigation service providers across Europe affected by COVID-19 events. Find out more here.
Specification for ventilators to be used in UK hospitals
This guidance sets out the clinical requirements based on the consensus of what is ‘minimally acceptable’ performance in the opinion of the anaesthesia and intensive care medicine professionals and medical device regulators. An updated version of the specification has been published.
Retail Sector – social distancing and business in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
Guidance on social distancing and business in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales has been added to the letter thanking all those who are working in retail.
COVID-19 Defra Update
Updated page with requirements for travelling and moving goods to France.