New Updates and Guidance
Charter for safe working practice
A Charter, co-produced by the Government and the Home Building Federation, committing signatories to safe working whilst COVID-19 remains prevalent.
Safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care
This guidance explains the principles of infection prevention and control to enable safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care settings during the coronavirus outbreak. Find out more here.
Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) coronavirus guidance for business and local authorities
Updated with guidance for businesses on hand sanitisers, with an additional link to a technical specification for hand wash from the Department of Health and Social Care.
Critical workers who can access schools or educational settings
Updated to reflect that children of critical workers are encouraged to attend school, and to reflect plans for wider opening of schools from 1 June 2020, at the earliest. Updated information defining vulnerable children, in line with existing guidance, for the purpose of continued education.
Actions for Further Education colleges and providers during the coronavirus outbreak Updated guidance for further education has been provided for further information, to help plan for wider opening, including what to consider and steps to take when planning increased attendance. Other updates include vulnerable young people, safeguarding and mental health support.