New Updates and Guidance
Treasury cut taxes to reduce PPE costs
From 1 May 2020, PPE purchased by care homes, businesses, charities and individuals to protect against COVID-19 will be free from VAT for a three-month period. Find further information here.
Seasonal work on farms: guidance for workers
The type of seasonal work you can do on farms, who can apply, and where you can find work. Find out more here.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter to the energy sector
Letter from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Alok Sharma, to the UK's energy sector.
Government to safeguard Great Britain-Northern Ireland air links
Investment will protect air passenger flights for important routes between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Find out more here.
Prime Minister's statement and slides on coronavirus (COVID-19): 30 April 2020
Personal protective equipment (PPE): export control process
Information for economic operators who will temporarily need a licence to export PPE outside the EU, EFTA member states and certain other territories. The 3 attachments on this page have been updated to reflect the revised EU regulations. The attachments are: 'Personal protective equipment (PPE): export control process', 'Application form' and 'Notification form'.
Destroying spoilt beer, cider, wine or made-wine during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Find out about temporary changes to the destruction of spoilt beer, cider, wine or made-wine if you're a brewer, cider producer, wine maker or publican. Amended temporary measures to include cider, wine or made-wine in addition to beer. This includes advice to cider producers and wine and made-wine makers in addition to brewers and publicans.