Capita have been involved with training and advising clients in relation to Coronavirus in respect to their staff and public, especially in light of Coronavirus becoming a reportable event under Riddor. Our services include:
Assurance Audit - To determine how COVID-19 controls have been embedded into existing Safety management system.
Workplace Audit – To measure the effectiveness of social distancing and other control measures in the workplace.
H&S Advisor – Development of training packs for induction, line managers and contractor management. Support in development of safe work procedures.
Capita have capability with the following: Risk assessment; Safe systems of work; Training/induction – managers/workforce/contractors + briefings; Safety committees & safety representatives; Emergency preparedness; RIDDOR process; Management of contractors & visitors; Safety management system – monitoring; Welfare arrangements;
Due diligence & records at each phase– civil claims or HSE interventions