Airport World - Dr John Kasarda
Dr John Kasarda presents a new Aerotropolis model that integrates 4.0 economy sectors with smart technologies and sustainable development practices to create and capture value for airports and the regions they serve.
The planning and development of aerotropolises worldwide is changing. This change reflects a pivotal role that governments and the private sector envision them playing in the emerging 4.0 economy where R&D, rapidly advancing IT and automation, and continuing globalisation are interacting to spawn new generation industries and business services that rely extensively on digitisation and rapid long-distance flows of people, products, information, ideas, and capital.
The result is a modification in the mix of businesses and industries being recruited to create modern economic muscle for the aerotropolis along with much greater emphasis on developing the institutional, physical, social, and technological environments that will attract 4.0 firms and their talented workforces.